Universalism, Permissivism And Supererogation: The Convergence of Faith
The Absolute Truth, both, exists and exists-not! Paradoxical as this statement is, this is the underlying contradiction that truly defines the Absolute Truth. This is because the Absolute Truth transcends the relative, the subjective, the worldly,...

A Panegyric to Ancient Indian Women on the Quest for Truth
Women suffragette and gender equality became a preeminent topic of discussion and debate in Europe in the Age of Enlightenment, in the eighteenth century. The battle for obtaining equal voting rights, with suffragettes such as Susan B. Anthony,...

The Farcical Extremes of Big-Tech Censorship and the Hypocrisy of the Ultra-Left in its Selective Outrage over Freedom of Expression
On 11 February 2021, my Facebook account of 13 years was disabled without reason. In an age when the world seems to be more lived on the virtual realm than in the real one, I had been also chipping in, albeit in a much lesser way lately than in the...

Harnessing the Power of Science and Technology in Socio-Economic Development of India
Innovation, scientific research and technological interventions are pivotal for sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development. Digitalization and automation of production, smart systems especially in the energy sector and transportation,...

A Vedantic Perspective on the Resurrection of Christ and Upholding his message of spiritual emancipation
Jesus Christ has transformed the lives of millions of people over a couple of millennia. From the days of his ministries in Galilee and Jerusalem to the recent proclamation by Pope Francis of the division among Christians as the 'work of the father...

Standing against Forced Conversions and Regressive Exclusivism: In Conversation with the Nationalist Hindustani Christians’ Manch
(As part of the Satyanveshi initiative, we recently interacted with members of the Hindustani Christians' Manch, a nationalist Christian group where almost all members are Swayamsevaks. We have tried to conduct this interview impartially, to...

Samyagyayoga: Retrieving The Essence Of Yoga
Yoga is one of the most popular strands of Indic tradition that has taken a modern face and form, and attracts people from across countries, cultures, civilisations to adopt it. Some see it as primarily about Asanas (postures) and Pranayama...

Viśiṣṭvividhīkaran: The Principle of Qualified Diversification
The duality inherent in the Supreme Reality is idiosyncratic and paradoxical: it is contextual and yet transcendent. Advaita Vedanta speaks of the material realm as being illusory, and a manifestation of the Supreme Reality under the influence of...

Jñanagaman: The Turn of an Age
The Coronavirus has brought a spurt of death and destruction in its wake. Having come to the fore in Wuhan - China, it has been spreading at an alarming rate, having crossed 5,00,000 cases worldwide. While it has not caused anywhere close to the...

Dharma is all about Sustainable and Responsible Development and Existence
Dharma is that which upholds the order of the cosmos, of the society; that which upholds the multiplicity of realities; that which safeguards the reflexive tendencies of every element in the universe, coming from either self-interactions or...