157th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda
Basingstoke : Swami Ji- One of the greatest men to have walked this planet...Still continues to capture the imagination of the generations after him! On his 157th birthday here is an interesting observation made by one of his direct disciples,...

ধর্মীয় ও ঐতিহাসিক পটভূমিকায় জগদ্ধাত্রী পূজা
বারো মাসে তেরো পার্বণ - এই প্রায় প্রবাদবাক্যটি বাংলার জনমানসে সুবিদিত। এই পার্বণগুলির মধ্যে একটি উল্লেখযোগ্য হল কার্তিক মাসে (অথবা ইংরেজি November মাসে) অনুষ্ঠিত দেবী জগদ্ধাত্রী পূজা। জগদ্ধাত্রী পূজা বাঙালি হিন্দু সমাজের একটি বিশিষ্ট ধর্মীয়...

Satyavad: A New-Age Socio-Political System
Samajwad (socialism) has had a chequered past in India. Back in the early 1870s, a group in Calcutta contacted Karl Marx with the purpose of organizing an Indian section of the First International! Marxism made quite...

Unity in Satya
Doctrinal Resonances on Truth in Scriptures across Religions (This article is based on a research paper in theology and religious discourse, and supplemented with spiritual insights and perspectives. It has arisen from months of interactions with...

Let us not politicise Sri Ram anymore!
India is a unique nation in that its ancient history lies not but in tomes of reportage and dry facts but is encapsulated in the rich itihas of its epics and tales of the times of yore. A living, relatable history of a people whose historical...

Dharma is all about Sustainable and Responsible Development and Existence
Dharma is that which upholds the order of the cosmos, of the society; that which upholds the multiplicity of realities; that which safeguards the reflexive tendencies of every element in the universe, coming from either self-interactions or...

Indian Pluralism is Non-Negotiable
Recently, after my speech at the Leicester Vichar Manthan on how a truly Dharmic society promotes the idea of unity in diversity, a Bangladeshi friend was surprised when I said I have had a lot of close Muslim friends since my childhood. The latter...

For a Dharmic Brexit and Unity in Diversity
(This reflection-piece was written for an event where I was called as a speaker by Vichaar Manthan - UK in Leicester on `The Role of Dharma in the Post-Brexit Indo-British Relationship'. It looks at the spirit of India, and how the idea of 'unity...

Satyashrama: A Conception of Dharmic Politics
Humankind subsists on self-organization as does most of nature, spurred on by processes that lead to the emergence of order out of apparent chaos. Society is a collective of minds, interests, emotions...realities. Governing these realities on the...

The Faith that never Fades: The Historical Resilience of Hinduism
The Holocaust brings to one's mind deep anguish and pain, even though not many of us lived during the times when Hitler's army ran riot over millions of Jews across Europe. It was one of the darkest hours of humanity and the barbarism of the Nazi...