Universalism, Permissivism And Supererogation: The Convergence of Faith
The Absolute Truth, both, exists and exists-not! Paradoxical as this statement is, this is the underlying contradiction that truly defines the Absolute Truth. This is because the Absolute Truth transcends the relative, the subjective, the worldly,...

The Dharmic Conception of Reality is inherently Scientific
The British philosopher Harold Joachim said that truth in its essential nature is that systematic coherence which is the character of a significant whole. Unlike the contemporary, neo-classical correspondence theory of truth which has at its core...

A Vedantic Perspective on the Resurrection of Christ and Upholding his message of spiritual emancipation
Jesus Christ has transformed the lives of millions of people over a couple of millennia. From the days of his ministries in Galilee and Jerusalem to the recent proclamation by Pope Francis of the division among Christians as the 'work of the father...

Bargabhima temple was built nearly 1150 years ago by a Maharaja of the Mayor dynasty. This temple is also known as Vibhasha Shakti Peeth or Bhimakali Temple. This shrine lies on the bank of the River Rupnarayana at Tamluk village in East...

Turiyavaad: An Ideology of Truth and Transcendence in Life, Society and Politics
Dogma and ideological stagnation have percolated through the cracks and crevices of contemporary life, society and politics. There is a need for freshness, a certain inflow of novelty, to move beyond the...

Thanthania Kalibari is one of the oldest religious sites in Kolkata. The temple is dedicated to Mata Siddheshwari.

Chakladham is one of the most well-known sacred places in India. It is believed to be the birthplace of Baba lokenath, a glorious Hindu yogi born in 18th century Bengal. It is one of the most visited places in West Bengal after Kalighat and...

JEWS & HINDUS – a short comparison
Both the names Jew (from Yahud) and Hindu (from Sindhu) are approximately 3000 years old.

Standing against Forced Conversions and Regressive Exclusivism: In Conversation with the Nationalist Hindustani Christians’ Manch
(As part of the Satyanveshi initiative, we recently interacted with members of the Hindustani Christians' Manch, a nationalist Christian group where almost all members are Swayamsevaks. We have tried to conduct this interview impartially, to...

ब्रह्मनत्व: Reconciling Science and Spirituality
The divergence of science and spirituality arises from the point of transcendence from the empirical. While spirituality speaks of the Truth beyond – unchanging, imperishable and eternal, science deals with phenomena that are temporal, spatial and...