Standing up for Hindus: In Conversation with Francois Gautier
Francois Gautier is a vocal and visible Dharmic voice, a lover and defender of Hindus in India and abroad. He is an eminent journalist in his own right, and has worked with Le Figaro, DNA and Outlook India. He has written books such as The Guru of...

Political Callisthenics in Didi’s Poschimbanga: Hollow Promises, Corruption, Misrule, Unemployment and Appeasement
The tragedy in West Bengal today is that the claims of the government and the reality on the ground are often miles apart. This is especially true when it comes to employment in the state. Mamata Banerjee and the TMC came to power on a strong...

Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya- Jyotirma Tamasogamaya
Chennai : They say that you must not speak ill of the dead. Going by this logic, I suppose we mustn’t use strong words about Adolf Hitler, Attila or Chengiz Khan. If you subscribe to that school of thinking, pray do not read further. I seldom write...

Jñanagaman: The Turn of an Age
The Coronavirus has brought a spurt of death and destruction in its wake. Having come to the fore in Wuhan - China, it has been spreading at an alarming rate, having crossed 5,00,000 cases worldwide. While it has not caused anywhere close to the...

Truly ‘Mrittunjoy’: All about the Regressive Left and Racism in Cambridge
(Recently Mrittunjoy, our Chief Editor 2018-2019, faced political persecution and bullying in Cambridge. He has bravely stood up against these elements and practices and written about them. His story has been widely covered and his courage and...

When we stood our ground for Bharat
This Independence Day was special for India (Bharat)since it was the first time it was truly one, in spirit, law and form, with the recent abrogation of Article 370 (all clauses except clause 1) and Article 35-A. It has been a momentous decision....

Territorial Integrity and Self-Determination in a Postcolonial World
Recently I was speaking to a friend who prides herself on being ‘from the far-Left’ and the discussion was around the topic of nation states and nationalism. I have always been fairly interested in testing and hypothizing disparate scenarios, often...

Let us not politicise Sri Ram anymore!
India is a unique nation in that its ancient history lies not but in tomes of reportage and dry facts but is encapsulated in the rich itihas of its epics and tales of the times of yore. A living, relatable history of a people whose historical...

A Clarion Call for Change of Culture of Politics in West Bengal
Bengalis came together on 19th June 2019 in front of the statue of Mahatma Gandhi in Parliament Square, in front of the British Parliament, even as it rained. They were joined by Indians from across the country. The reason? They were there to...

Indian Pluralism is Non-Negotiable
Recently, after my speech at the Leicester Vichar Manthan on how a truly Dharmic society promotes the idea of unity in diversity, a Bangladeshi friend was surprised when I said I have had a lot of close Muslim friends since my childhood. The latter...