Why is true nationalism inherently spiritual?
Recently I came across a snippet of a response to a query as part of an interaction with Mr. Sai Deepak, seemingly a well-known right-wing commentator and thinker, who spoke of how one cannot be loyal to the world if one is not loyal to one's...

India and China: The Ups and Downs of Responses by the Asian Giants against COVID
The scourge of COVID has wreaked havoc on the contemporary world. More than 17 crore people have been infected around the world till date, with more than 37 lakh people succumbing to the dreaded pandemic. India has seen 2.84 crore people being...

Netizens demand Presidential rule in Bengal, Arrest Mamata Trends on Twitter
This year's election in West Bengal was somehow interesting. Prime Minister, Home Minister, did massive rallies in West Bengal. Heavyweights from all over India campaigned for various political parties. In the end, there was one winner by a clear...

Climate Activist: The eulogisation of an anarchist
January 26, 2021, will be forever imprinted in the minds of Indians and the diaspora as the day when the venerated national symbol of the state and national flag was desecrated and thrown down and replaced by a Sikh religious flag. In the name of...

The Farcical Extremes of Big-Tech Censorship and the Hypocrisy of the Ultra-Left in its Selective Outrage over Freedom of Expression
On 11 February 2021, my Facebook account of 13 years was disabled without reason. In an age when the world seems to be more lived on the virtual realm than in the real one, I had been also chipping in, albeit in a much lesser way lately than in the...

Are radicals misusing the Farmers’ Protest for their Hidden Agenda?
Mahatma Gandhi famously stopped the Non-Cooperation movement in 1922 following an incident of violence at a police station in Chauri Chaura in Uttar Pradesh. He felt that the movement had lost its moral compass and could not be carried forward in...

Republicanism in India: From Ancient Ganas to the Contemporary Bharatiya Ganarajya
Republicanism is centred on the principle of citizenship in a state-organized as a republic. The word "republic" derives from the Latin noun-phrase res publica ('public thing'), which referred to the system of government that emerged in the 6th...

Guaranteed procurement of food grains by FOOD CORPORATION OF INDIA needs to stop
The Indian Government has notified three new laws for the farming sector that were passed by the Indian Parliament with an overwhelming majority. These are the Farmers Produce Trade and Commerce Act 2020 (FPTC Act), the Agreement on Price Assurance...

Integrity and Digitization of the Electoral Process in West Bengal
The General Elections of the United States of America 2020 has seen the incumbent - Donald Trump question the electoral process and alleged that there has been widespread fraud. While the legal challenges to the election of Joe Biden are still...

Turiyavaad: An Ideology of Truth and Transcendence in Life, Society and Politics
Dogma and ideological stagnation have percolated through the cracks and crevices of contemporary life, society and politics. There is a need for freshness, a certain inflow of novelty, to move beyond the...