Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay, an iconic author of the post-tagore era
A literary genius in the Bengali literary sky, Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay was one of the most renowned novelists and writers of the post-Tagore era. He was born to Mahananda and Mrinalini Bandyopadhyay in Muratipur village, near Kalyani in Nadia, at his maternal...

ভোজনরসিক কবিগুরু রবীন্দ্রনাথ
রবি ঠাকুর কে নিয়ে আমরা অনেক কথা , গান -বাজনা, নাচ, নাটক ও আবৃত্তি এবং উৎসব সব কিছুই চালিয়ে যাচ্ছি তাঁর জন্মবার্ষিকী তে ফেসবুক দেয়াল গুলোতে। দেশে ও বিদেশে এবারে আবার অনলাইনে বেশি করে চলছে এই লকডাউনের পরিবেশে। কিন্তু একবার ও কবিগুরুর খাওয়া-দাওয়ার কথাটা বলা হচ্ছেনা...

The Legendary Cinematographer Ramananda Sengupta
May 8 is one of the noblest days for Indian cinema and cinema lovers around the world. One may ask, why? What is so special about this day? Cinephile, like us, would say, watch the film The River(1951) by Jean Renoir or Nagarik(1977) by the legendary film director...

Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya- Jyotirma Tamasogamaya
Chennai : They say that you must not speak ill of the dead. Going by this logic, I suppose we mustn’t use strong words about Adolf Hitler, Attila or Chengiz Khan. If you subscribe to that school of thinking, pray do not read further. I seldom write about politics as I...

Basingstoke : An unexplored side of Netaji on his 123rd Birthday that of a great philosopher. Some excerpts from from the final chapter of Netaji’s unfinished autobiography - “My faith”. “....There was a time when I believed that Absolute Truth was within the reach of...

Khudiram Bose the boy revolutionary who smiled at death
As the state of West Bengal continues to be mired in a state of mal-governance and the political debate reduces to a binary of Secularism versus Communalism citizens are forced to delve into Bengal’s rich and disproportionate share of revolutionary icons who fired up...

157th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda
Basingstoke : Swami Ji- One of the greatest men to have walked this planet...Still continues to capture the imagination of the generations after him! On his 157th birthday here is an interesting observation made by one of his direct disciples, Swami Saradananda....

Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das
Chittaranjan Das popularly known as ‘Deshbandhu’ was a leading politician, visionary lawyer, a patron of the Indian National Movement, founder of Swaraj Party and a prominent leader of Indian National Congress. C.R.Das was born in November 5, 1870. His father Bhuban...

Hertzian Waves, Vedanta and the Feelings of Plants: A Jagadish among the Polymaths
Across the oceans, on the western shore, Reigns the temple of the Goddess Of wealth of science. There you journeyed, my friend, And returned richly crowned. You anointed the motherland, Modest at hear, poor and shy. The great and the glorified Of those far off lands...

Netaji’s March Continues
Narendra Modi’s critics always like to question him on what he has done or plans to do on each and every particular issue of national interest or relevance. This is not only because he is the Prime Minister but a decisive, strong one at that! Since Subhash Chandra...