An Empowered India: On Foreign Policy and Defence in the BJP and Congress Manifestos 2019
(This is the fourth article in a series of articles called #ManifestoMusings, based on the manifestos of the Bharatiya Janata Party and Indian National Congress for the Indian General Elections 2019) The Indian General Election season is here! Will...

Manifestos 2019 Cracking the Economic Enigma(s)
(This is the third article in a series of articles called #ManifestoMusings, based on the manifestos of the Bharatiya Janata Party and Indian National Congress for the Indian General Elections 2019) The Indian General Election season is here! Will...

Kashmiri leaders are proudly fighting to protect inhumane Article 35A which violates the rights of J&K Women
Thanks to Article 35A, I — a female permanent resident (PR) of Jammu and Kashmir— am not equal to a male permanent resident (PR). I am inferior as I have lesser rights. Why are the rights of the women of J&K nobody's cause? This...

Job-Packed Or Gobsmacked: On Employment In Manifestos 2019
(This is the second article in a series of articles called #ManifestoMusings, based on the manifestos of the Bharatiya Janata Party and Indian National Congress for the Indian General Elections 2019) The Indian General Election season is here! Will...

Being Infra-Specific For Mandate 2019
(This is part of a series of articles called #ManifestoMusings, my thoughts and views based on the manifestos of the Bharatiya Janata Party and Indian National Congress for the Indian General Elections 2019) The Indian General Election season is...

Mahasangram 2019: On the Manifestos of the Bharatiya Janata Party and Indian National Congress
The Indian General Election season is here! Will it be 'Abki baar (phir) Modi sarkaar' ('this time (again) it is time for a Modi government') or 'Jaat par na pat par, mohar lagega haath par' ('neither based on caste nor on creed, my vote will be on...

The Call of the Wren: Treasures of Trinity College — Cambridge
Trinity College and Christs College stand among the very best of colleges across the world when it comes to legacy, in terms of alumni, and the maintenance of standards even today. As I go from one (Christs, as a PhD scholar) to another (Trinity,...

In Conversation with a Physics Nobel Laureate
A 22 year old student predicted in 1962 the mathematical relationships for the current and voltage across a weak link coupling two or more superconductors. Since then the world of superconductivity has never looked back. That monumental achievement...

Satyashrama: A Conception of Dharmic Politics
Humankind subsists on self-organization as does most of nature, spurred on by processes that lead to the emergence of order out of apparent chaos. Society is a collective of minds, interests, emotions...realities. Governing these realities on the...

Oct 26th 1947, the day when the Jammu & Kashmir acceded to India
London: Voice of Dogras presents a Documentary on Oct 26th 1947, the day when the Princely State of Jammu & Kashmir acceded to India, upon the signing of the Instrument of Accession by Dogra Maharaja Hari Singh, making Jammu &...