আমি আলাদা করে নারীবাদী হওয়া বন্ধ করেছি।
আমি আলাদা করে নারীবাদী হওয়া বন্ধ করেছি। প্রকৃতি যেখানে নিখুঁত ভাবে সমতা বজায় রেখে চলেছে, আমি তার সামনে মাথা নত করেছি এবং নারীবাদী থেকে মানবতা বাদী হওয়া কে বেশি দায়ত্বশীল মনে হয়েছে। কোনো একটি বিশেষ লিঙ্গ কে নিয়ে ভাবলে আমার চলে না আজ। কোনো...

Shiva as the Fundamental Reality underlying the diversity of phenomena in the Universe
What is our universe made of? What are the building blocks and the fundamental reality that is? Greek philosopher Democritus came up with the idea of atoms as being fundamental in 400 BC. Over the succeeding millenia, one went from Ḥasan Ibn...

Pakistan continues to remain in the FATF Grey List
Last month, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) again found Pakistan uncompliant with the requirements it had initially set out when they put Pakistan on the grey list In June 2018. If Pakistan fails to achieve all the parameters set out by the...

অযোধ্যা জ্বলছে, সরকার বাহাদুর কি শুনতে পাচ্ছেন?
" শাল কাঁদে, পিয়াল কাঁদে, কাঁদে মহুলবন/ অযোধ্যা পাহাড়ে বসে কাঁদে হামার মন..." এ কান্না চিরদিনের। বনভূমি থেকে পেরিয়ে এ গ্রাম থেকে ওগ্রাম বয়ে যায় কান্নার স্রোত। আজ, কান্নায় মিশে গেছে আগুন। জ্বলে পুড়ে খাঁক হয়ে যাচ্ছে বুকের অন্দরমহল। পলাশভূমি...

Universalism, Permissivism And Supererogation: The Convergence of Faith
The Absolute Truth, both, exists and exists-not! Paradoxical as this statement is, this is the underlying contradiction that truly defines the Absolute Truth. This is because the Absolute Truth transcends the relative, the subjective, the worldly,...

A Panegyric to Ancient Indian Women on the Quest for Truth
Women suffragette and gender equality became a preeminent topic of discussion and debate in Europe in the Age of Enlightenment, in the eighteenth century. The battle for obtaining equal voting rights, with suffragettes such as Susan B. Anthony,...

International Mother Language Day, sixty-ninth anniversary
International mother language day is celebrated worldwide on 21st February to promote and value the richness of the linguistic and the multitude of cultural diversity which all the citizens and the residents of the world enjoy. The day was first...

Climate Activist: The eulogisation of an anarchist
January 26, 2021, will be forever imprinted in the minds of Indians and the diaspora as the day when the venerated national symbol of the state and national flag was desecrated and thrown down and replaced by a Sikh religious flag. In the name of...

The Farcical Extremes of Big-Tech Censorship and the Hypocrisy of the Ultra-Left in its Selective Outrage over Freedom of Expression
On 11 February 2021, my Facebook account of 13 years was disabled without reason. In an age when the world seems to be more lived on the virtual realm than in the real one, I had been also chipping in, albeit in a much lesser way lately than in the...

Koo, Indias own microblogging app
Koo is an Indian Microblogging app that won the AatmaNirbhar App Innovation challenge last year. Since Prime Minister Modi of India mentioned the app in his Maan ki Baat show several ministers, government departments and celebrities have joined the...